How to choose the repertoire of a teenager, given the characteristics of adolescent perception

Modern teachers in music schools often face the fact that a teenager does not want to sing this or that song or romance, and all attempts to convince him lead to complications and conflicts. Often, a teenager refuses not only to perform a romance that he does not like, but may even stop attending music school altogether. To properly understand this issue, you need to take into account all the age characteristics of adolescents. You will learn about them in this article.

Age features of a teenager

This age is characterized not only by increased vulnerability, but also by the desire to make an impression. He wants to seem bright, spectacular and beautiful, to be appreciated and approved, and the less love he receives in his environment, the sharper this feeling. He also becomes sensitive to ridicule, so it is important for him that the romance that he will sing from the stage favorably emphasizes his strengths, as a vocalist, and as a person. Therefore, in order to properly choose his repertoire, you need to take into account such age characteristics of a teenager as:

  1. The pursuit of showiness. Performing a romance, a teenager wants to feel not just a performer, but a star. For this, his repertoire should be interesting, conveying feelings familiar to the adolescent himself and appropriate to his perception.
  2. Fear that he will be convicted or laughed at. He is also characteristic of adolescence, therefore, if there are places in the vocal work that are incomprehensible to him and cause embarrassment, he can simply refuse to perform it and decide that “he does not need classical vocal, as there are no interesting works”. And here we must also be careful in the selection of the repertoire.
  3. The presence of new interests. As a teenager, a young man or girl may decide that no one needs a classic and it will be better for him to engage in pop vocal or to choose a dance altogether. Retain interest can only bright and clear to him the repertoire, the content of which will help the teenager to open up. A considerable effect will also be produced by beautiful arrangements that will allow the teenager to feel himself on stage as well as a popular star.
  4. Choosing works of love, you need to consider age features of a teenager, more precisely, his perception. Here a lot depends on the specific character and temperament. There are boys and girls who perceive light works, without a strong drama. And some, on the contrary, already at an early age can perfectly convey the character of the heroine Carmen. So the vocal teacher should pay attention to the ideas about the love of a particular teenager in order to choose a repertoire for him that will be understandable to him and help him to reveal himself.
  5. A vivid manifestation of character. Just when a teenager begins to stubbornly, to show character and show himself, it is clear what his temperament and perception of the world around him. Usually at this time an already formed character begins to manifest itself with its own characteristics. Someone becomes a bright and flirtatious, imp in a skirt, and someone turns into a dreamy glamorous girl, gentle and erasable. Based on these features and it is worth picking up the work. You should not make Carmen out of shy and vice versa It is better that the work manifested the character traits of a teenager, then it will be easy for him to perform.

How does the perception of a teenager affect the choice of repertoire

Choosing a romance, it is worth analyzing its content and considering whether it will fit into the perception of a teenager. There are romances that sound good in the performance of a mature man. They contain words about deep dramatic love, about years that have flown by unnoticed. They are not worth giving to a teenager, as he cannot convey his mood, emotions and character. But the teenager will be able to convey songs and romances about first love, falling in love, tenderness or, on the contrary, betrayal, if they correspond to his perception. Also, the romance should effectively show the teenager himself. For example, the romance "I Loved You" will sound beautifully in the performance of a teenager who is easy to relate to failures and is not inclined to dramatize the situation. In a vulnerable and reticent teenager, this romance will depress both himself and listeners. Therefore, when choosing a repertoire, one should take into account the perception of a teenager and his formed character.

How to create an image of a teenager vocalist

The main secret of how to create the image of a teenager vocalist is to present his features to the public in a beneficial way. It is beautiful to beat anything. Is a teenager hot-tempered and impatient? He should choose a repertoire where he can beautifully present his wildness. Is it different isolation? Lyrical romances that are not too emotional - what you need. Does a teenager have a funny temper? Mobile romances or, on the contrary, dramatic works will sound easy and beautiful. After that, you should consider his image, costume and message, which he will have to convey to the audience during the performance. Acting lessons will help you to create a complete image. It is from such trifles that the image of a teenage vocalist is formed.

How to choose the repertoire of a teenager

  1. Be sure to let the recording of the romance or song to listen to the future artist. Although composers did not write works for this age, romances and songs for boys and girls should be in the arsenal of any teacher.
  2. See and analyze the text. Think about how he might be interested in a teenager. An interesting repertoire for a teenager is always easier to perform than to sing what you don’t like.
  3. How does he show a teenager? Is he really like that? Girls should not sing male romances and vice versa. They do not need to look funny from the scene.
  4. Romances and songs for girls and boys should not be tragic. An interesting repertoire for teens should be positive and, if possible, optimistic.


"Autumn leaves" Makrousova;

"Come back to Sorrento"

Caccini "Ave Maria"

… etc.

Watch the video: John McWhorter: "Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths about America's Lingua . .". Talks at Google (March 2025).

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