Musical Instruments Crossword

This Crossword "Musical Instruments" specially created as a model for those who were given a crossword of music on this or another topic.

20 words were taken as the basis for creating a crossword puzzle, among which the overwhelming majority are the names of the most diverse and equally well-known musical instruments. There are also the names of famous masters and inventors of these tools, as well as the names of individual parts and accessories for the game.

I remind you that it is convenient to use the free program Crossword Creator for creating crosswords independently. For more information on how to work with this program, for example, in order to create your own crossword puzzle on the subject of musical instruments, read the article “If you have set up a crossword puzzle in music”. There you will find a detailed algorithm for creating any crossword from scratch.

And now I suggest you to get acquainted with my option. Crossword "Musical Instruments". To make it more interesting to solve - get a stopwatch and note the time!

Questions horizontal:

  1. Ukrainian folk singer, playing the kobza.
  2. Pioneer pipe.
  3. The name of the book of psalms and at the same time the name of a stringed-plucked musical instrument, to the accompaniment of which spiritual psalms were sung.
  4. The famous Italian violin maker.
  5. The instrument in the form of a fork with two branches, makes a single sound - For the first octave, is the standard of musical sound.
  6. The musical instrument that is mentioned in the song "Wonderful Neighbor".
  7. The lowest brass instrument in the orchestra.
  8. The name of this tool comes from the Italian words, which are translated as "loud" and "quiet."
  9. An ancient stringed musical instrument, under which Sadko sang his songs.
  10. A musical instrument whose name means "forest horn".
  11. What leads the violinist on the strings?
  12. A beautiful painted instrument that can be played, but you can eat porridge.

Vertical Questions:

  1. For what instrument did Niccolo Paganini write his caprices?
  2. Ancient Chinese military signal percussion musical instrument in the form of a metal disk.
  3. The device for playing stringed-plucked instruments, they just pinch the strings, causing them to rattle.
  4. Italian master, inventor of the piano.
  5. An instrument favored in Spanish music often accompanies dances and produces clicking sounds.
  6. Russian folk instrument with the letter "b" - a triangular such, with three strings - you will play on it, so the bear will start a dance.
  7. An instrument like a harmony, only on the right side it has a keyboard like a piano.
  8. Shepherd's cane flute.

The answer tags. Now is not a sin and find out the right answers.

Horizontal: 1. Kobzar 2. Horn 3. Psalter 4. Stradivarius 5. Tuning fork 6. Clarinet 7. Tuba 8. Piano 9. Harp 10. Horn 11. Bow 12. Spoons.

Vertical: 1. Violin 2. Gong 3. Mediator 4. Christofori 5. Castanets 6. Balalaika 7. Accordion 8. Pipe.

And now the most important thing!

How do you like the crossword "Musical Instruments"? Do you like it? Then, rather, send him into contact, but throw him on the wall to Tanka from 5B - let him break his head at his leisure!

Watch the video: Musical Instruments Names: Useful List of Musical Instruments in English with Pictures (March 2025).

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