When the conservatory did not work out

When the conservatory did not work out

How do we represent professional musicians: composers, performers, conductors? These are creative, bright personalities who have graduated from a serious educational institution - the Conservatory or the Academy of Music. Has it always been like that? Does the admission committee immediately see prospective applicants of world-class professionals? Are musical geniuses round honors? Let us tell you some interesting facts about this.

The world famous Italian maestro of the XIX century - Giuseppe Verdi at one time was not accepted into the Milan Conservatory. At the entrance exams, he performed his own compositions, but ... he was denied admission due to "lack of musical ability." Paradox, but a few decades later, the conservatory won the right to bear the name of the composer she had once rejected. From now on, this is the Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi.

The famous Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt was not accepted to the conservatory either. Yes, yes, the one who broke unlucky pianos and broke their strings with his play. From childhood, he was known as a child prodigy, but the Paris Conservatory did not want to see him among his pupils. The reason for the refusal was the nationality of Liszt, because only the French were trained in the conservatory.

The famous Russian composer Anatoly Lyadov was a notable truant. For this, the creator of the famous "Magic Lake" and was expelled from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, despite the fact that many professors admired his talent.

Very interesting was the music education of Sergei Rakhmaninov. Initially, the composer studied at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. For 3 years spent there, the famous “singer of the Russian soul” has remained unnoticed. The composer’s biographers are still puzzled; why could not such a talented and capable musician be "considered" by famous professors, because N. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Lyadov taught there! For systematic failure Rakhmaninov predicted deduction. Salvation was the transfer to the Moscow Conservatory, which the famous composer and pianist finished brilliantly, receiving a gold medal.

By the way, about pianists. Each of us has probably heard the matchless game of the largest performer of the 20th century, Sviatoslav Richter, because the recordings with his performance can be found at every turn - in specialized stores and in the worldwide network. While studying at the Moscow Conservatory, he refused to attend general education. For this, strictly speaking, he was twice expelled.

The history of music knows many such examples. Surely, even today, she is recording new names on her pages - who knows, all of a sudden another genius of musical art was recently expelled from some conservatory.

Watch the video: easi-dec Conservatory Ladder (March 2025).

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