How to enroll in music school?

In today's post we will talk about how to enroll in a music school. Let's say you finish school and intend to get some good education. Should I go to music school? I recommend to think about it seriously, since you have to spend four years in the school. I will say the answer for you: it is worth going to a music college only if you really need music education.

How to enroll in music school? Many are interested in the question of whether to have a certificate of graduation from a music school for admission. Frankly speaking, everything will depend on the chosen specialty.

Do I need to finish music school?

Branches in the music school, which accept no primary music education: academic and pop vocals, choral conducting, wind and percussion instruments, as well as the department of stringed instruments (accept bass). The guys are especially welcome, because, as a rule, in all regions there is an acute problem of the shortage of male cadres - singers in choirs, churches and low string players in orchestras.

If you want to become a pianist, violinist or accordionist - the answer is unequivocal: they will not take you from scratch to school - there should be, if not a crust from the music school, then at least some technical base. However, such high demands are made primarily for those who want to go to the budget department.

How to study: free or paid?

For those who are ready to receive knowledge for money, it makes sense to ask about the possibility of entering these departments from a competent person (for example, a department manager or a head teacher). It is likely that the provision of paid educational services will not be denied. Nobody refuses money - so go for it!

I want to reassure those who have a passionate desire to learn exactly these professions, but do not have any extra financial means for this. You also have a great opportunity to get what you want for free. It is necessary to submit documents not to the music school, but to the pedagogical college with the music department. As a rule, there is simply no competition for applicants, and they take as students all who submit documents.

Among applicants, there is a widespread misconception that music education at a college is worse in quality than at a music school. This is complete nonsense! This is a conversation for those who have nothing to do and who love to scratch their tongues. Education in the music pedcollege is very strong and fairly broad in profile. If you do not believe, remember your school music teachers - how much they can do: they sing in a beautifully set voice, lead the choir and play at least two instruments. These are very serious skills.

The only disadvantage of training in a teacher training college is that it will take not four years to study, as in a school, but five. True for those who come to study after the 11th grade, they sometimes make a discount for one year, but if you come to school from scratch, then you, nevertheless, study five years more profitable than four.

How to enroll in music school? What you need to do right now?

First, you need to decide on what school or college and not what specialty we will enroll. It is better to choose an educational institution according to the principle “the closer to home, the better”, especially if there is no suitable college in the city where you live. Specialty choose the one that you like. Here is the usual list of training programs offered in schools and colleges: academic instrumental performance (various instruments), variety instrumental performance (various instruments) solo singing (academic, variety and folk), choral conducting (academic or folk choir), folk musical creativity , theory and history of music, sound engineering, management in the field of art.

Secondly, asking friends or visiting the website of the selected school, you need to find out about him as much as possible details. Suddenly there is not everything in order with the hostel or something like that (the ceiling fails, there is always no hot water, sockets in the rooms do not work, watchmen are crazy, etc.)? It is important that you feel comfortable during your studies.

Do not miss the open door

On the next open day with your parents, go where you want to go and appreciate it live. Do not hesitate to go to the hostel and ask you to have a mini-tour.

What does the open door program usually include? This is usually the morning meeting of all applicants and their parents to meet with the administration of the school. The essence of this meeting is the presentation of a school or college (they will say common things: achievements, opportunities, conditions, etc.), all this lasts no more than an hour. After this meeting, a small concert is usually organized by the students. This is always a very interesting part, therefore, I do not recommend that you deny yourself the pleasure and listen to what the students and their teachers diligently prepared for you.

The second part of the open day is less regulated - usually everyone is invited to undergo free individual consultations in any specialty. This is exactly what you need! Find on the stand for applicants (it will surely catch your eye) information - where, in what class, and with which teacher you can consult on your specialty, and go straight there.

You can go to the teacher for some details (for example, about the program for admission or to arrange consultations), just to meet and report that you will come to them this (or next) year, or you can immediately show what do you know (this is the best option). It is important to listen carefully and take note of all the recommendations that will be made to you.

How to prepare the ground in order to enter a music college without any problems?

It is important to understand that the preparation for admission must begin in advance: the sooner the better. Ideal if you have at least six months or a year. So, what is the time to do?

Literally you need to shine in the school that you chose. To do this, you can:

  1. Meet the teacher you would like to attend and start taking weekly consultations (the local teacher will prepare you for the entrance exams like no one else is better);
  2. sign up for preparatory courses (they are different - year-round or during the holidays - choose what suits you best);
  3. to enter the graduating class of a music school at the college, which, as a rule, is (this is real and it works - school graduates are sometimes even exempt from entrance exams and are automatically enrolled in students);
  4. take part in a competition or Olympiad, where you can profitably present yourself as a potential student.

If the latter two methods are suitable only for those who studied at a music school, then the first two of the above mentioned methods work for everyone.

How do applicants become students?

To enter the music school, you must pass the entrance exams. How to do it and how to pass exams, will be a separate article. In order not to miss it, I recommend subscribing to updates (scroll down and see a special subscription form).

We are now interested in this: entrance examinations are of two types - special and general. General - this is the Russian language and literature - as a rule, there is a test for these subjects (on the basis of an exam in an educational institution or on the basis of a certificate with your results of the USE). General subjects do not affect the rating of the applicant, unless you enroll in a specialty such as economics or management (such departments in music schools also exist).

Consequently, the rating is formed by the sum of all points that you scored when passing special exams. In another way, these special exams are also called creative tests. What it is? This is the execution of your program, the interview (colloquium), written and oral exercises in music literacy and solfeggio, etc.

A list of what you need to pass along with all the specific requirements you should get even when you visit a music school or college on an open day. What to do with this list? First of all, see what you know well and what needs to be tightened up. Thus, if you are well prepared in all subjects, you will gain additional airbag.

For example, let's say you have passed the specialty perfectly, but the next exam is writing a solfeggio dictation, where you feel insecure. What to do? Reinsure! You write a dictation well - everything is great, but if things are not going well with dictation, do not worry, pick up more points on the oral exam. I think the essence is clear.

By the way, about how to write dictations on solfeggio, there is a good instruction - it will be very useful to those who have to go through this test. Read in the article - "How to learn how to write dictations on solfeggio?".

What to do if you are not in competition?

A serious competition is not established for any specialty upon admission. Competitive specialties are all that are associated with solo singing, piano and variety instrumental performance. So, what to do if after listening you were told that you are not going through the competition? Wait for the next year? Or stop puzzling over how you enroll in a music school?

Immediately I must say that you do not need to despair. No need to give up and hands in order to quit this thing. Nothing terrible happened. This in no way means that you have been shown a lack of musical ability.

What to do? If you are willing to pay for the training, you can go to study on commercial terms, that is, under the contract with the reimbursement of training costs. If you really want to study at the budget department (and you should have a healthy desire to study for free), then it makes sense to fight for other places

How is this possible? Often, those applicants who have not passed the competition in one specialty are invited to pay attention to those departments that suffer from chronic shortfalls. At once, we say that the shortage there is not because these specialties are not in demand or uninteresting, but because the average entrant simply does not know much about them. But experts, graduates with diplomas in these specialties, then go just like hot cakes, because employers are experiencing a progressive and acute shortage of workers with this kind of education. What is this specialty? Music theory, choral conducting, wind instruments.

How can I use this situation? To pass an interview for another specialty, you are likely to be offered in the selection committee. There is no need to refuse, you are being pulled - you do not resist. You will take your place among the students, and there at the first opportunity you will simply transfer to where you wanted. Many just so achieve their goals.

Today, a conversation about how to enroll in a music school, perhaps, you can finish. Next time we will talk in more detail about what awaits you in the entrance exams. Good luck!


P.S. If you have not studied in a music school, but your dream is to get a professional music education, then remember that this dream is possible! Start moving forward. The starting point may be the most elementary - for example, the study of musical notation.

We have something for you! As a gift from our site, you can get a textbook on musical notation - for this you just need to leave your data in a special form (see in the upper right corner of this page), detailed instructions for obtaining just in case are available here.

Watch the video: HOW TO GET INTO BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC (March 2025).

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