Patricia Kaas: biography, best songs, interesting facts

Patricia Kaas

She has no musical education, she did not attend eminent conservatories and did not take lessons from recognized music teachers. But this did not prevent her from making a brilliant career. Patricia Kaas, amazing and at the same time mysterious, admires the power of her voice. Hoarse notes, as if the response of the inimitable Edith Piaf, with whom Kaas is being compared all the time, made her recognizable and famous. And even one wonders: where did such a fragile, short woman come from, such a strong and colorful voice? Talent, natural data from which millions of fans go crazy.

A short biography of Patricia Kaas and a lot of interesting facts about the singer can be found on our page.

short biography

The small town of Forbach is located in the northeast of France. It is a long way to Paris - 340 km, but to Germany is a stone’s throw away. On the other side of the border lies the land of the Saar. It was here, at the junction of the two countries, that the future parents of Patricia Kaas met. A German-speaking French citizen, Josef, and a German, Irmgard, met their eyes on one of the folk festivals and fell in love with each other. Well, the result of their passionate passion were seven children, five boys and two girls. Patricia was born the latest on December 5, 1966.

While her father was working at the mine, and her mother was doing housekeeping, the little girl grew up and learned the world around her. Angry, somewhat similar in behavior to the boy, Patricia began to discover music for herself. Hearing her daughter singing, Irmgard was very happy - at least someone from a poor family could be freed from the bondage of poverty. Therefore, she began to encourage independent study of music in every possible way and without hesitation she recorded her daughter at the "Citywide contest of young talents." Such events were rare for Forbach. To miss such a chance is an unforgivable mistake.

Constant rehearsals ended with the release of a 10-year-old person on the stage. Even then, she was able to excite the public, wearing instead of the expected dress with ruffles, men's pants and a cap. But the fun began later. A strong, hoarse and emotional voice sang in German and delighted everyone in the audience. This was her first victory.

Her vocal data was noticed and began to be invited to various events. The ambitious Patricia could not take advantage of this offer. And she began to sing. On folk festivals, in cabarets and even on beer festivals. I even had to quit school, with the permission of my mother, of course.

Constant performances did not pass without a trace. At 13, her voice won one German blues band. Without a shadow of hesitation, the producer of the group offered to sign a contract and sing a talented person to a series of concerts in the club "Roma River" in the capital of the Saar. The city of Saarbrücken was not distinguished by luxury and wealth. Despite this, the young singer was very pleased with the new stage in her work.

One evening in the "Rum River" looked Bernard Schwartz. Forced to stop in this forgotten world of the city did not inspire the French producer for a long sit-round gathering. But everything changed the performance of Patricia. Stepping onto the stage, she sang the song of Liza Minnelli and ... received an invitation to conquer Paris. So, the 19-year-old novice singer left her native places and began to be inspired by the romance of Parisian streets.

The first single "Jealous" did not bring the expected success and a surge of fame. Bernard constantly compared her with Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich, prophesying the young person's popularity. But for Patricia, such comparisons only made them angry and forced to work with even more dedication to prove that she was different. And she did it. The single "Mademoiselle Sings the Blues" opened up a new talent for France - Patricia Kaas, and the album of the same name in three months reached platinum status. It is a pity that the mother, Irmgard, did not live to this point and could not share the success of her daughter.

The general love of the public growth like a snowball. Patricia enjoyed her fame and sought new horizons. At 21, Olimpia, the main concert hall in Paris, also resigned to her. The public accompanied her with stormy applause and threw hundreds of bouquets at their feet. This is the moment for which she lived.

A little later, Pat terminated the contract with Bernard Schwartz, acquired luxury housing in an elite area of ​​Paris, and changed outwardly. Now a cheeky, sexy and temperamental woman appeared on the scene. Her new look, combined with a characteristic voice, made the hearts beat faster and forget about everything in the world.

Patricia became the darling of France. At the end of 1990, she was chosen the “Voice of the Year” and dedicated a whole program on one of the channels. She had a dizzying success and relied on endless tours that were popular. In 2009, Patricia represented France at Eurovision in Moscow. Her composition "Et s'il fallait le faire" scored 107 points during the voting and took 8th place. For France, it was a success.

Platinum discs, winning the "Best Performer of the Year" nominations, high album sales are the result of endless dedication to the music world. Patricia lived songs and powerful energy fans. Career has eclipsed everything, even a loved one and a desire to start a family. The Belgian composer Philip Bergman, with whom she spent unforgettable years, could not completely melt the heart of this seemingly cold and unapproachable woman. He wanted children, she could not imagine a break in the works. Loneliness once again covered her ...

Patricia continues to sing, create new compositions and tour. And let the light of loneliness is still visible in her eyes. Perhaps this makes her the very Patricia Kaas who is listened to and admired.

Interesting Facts

  • The singer got her name in honor of actress Grace Patricia Kelly. Her mother admired her talent, Irmgard.

  • Kaas till 6 years, practically up to the school, spoke in German dialect. This was normal for the area where she lived.

  • Patricia's repertoire in the years of popularity in his native Forbach composed songs Dalida, Mireille Mathieu and Liza Minnelli. The girl, according to others, was able to sing no worse than pop stars, and sometimes better.

  • The singer has released 7 studio and 5 live albums, which are well sold around the world, especially in French and German speaking countries.

  • At the age of 16 she got a job at a model agency.

  • The first single, titled "Jealous", for Patricia was sponsored by Gerard Depardieu. Participated in the creation of the song and the wife of the actor, Elizabeth. Departe helped the talented singer with the release of the first album.

  • Temperamental Patricia in the late 80s of the last century won the heart of Alain Delon. He came to her concert to find out who admires the whole of Paris, and was fascinated. They began to socialize, dine together in restaurants and share intimate thoughts. Like old friends. But the singer herself broke the relationship, she did not want the famous actor to ruin her career: while he publicly confessed love to Patricia, a pregnant girlfriend was waiting for him at home. To cool the passion of Delon in love, Pat releases the disc "I call you on you ...".

  • The singer considers her wedding ring to be a mother’s mother’s ring, a man who always believed in and supported her. And she also has a teddy bear, with which she not only goes on stage, but also sleeps. She bought this toy in Berlin for her mother, who at that time was sick with cancer.

  • Patricia loves to pamper herself with expensive things. Walking along boutiques gives her pleasure, as well as evenings near the fireplace surrounded by lighted candles and casual music.

  • The refined and beautiful face of Patricia attracted the famous cosmetic company "L'Etoile." For 5 years she advertised their products. Also in the singer's promotional activities there is also a Lipton tea reel.

  • In 2003, Patricia received the German Order. Thus appreciated her contribution to the development of Franco-German relations.

  • Patricia feels a special affection for Berlin. This city makes her love and delight. Asia also attracts her with its mystery and mystery, for which she tours with pleasure. Thailand, Korea, Vietnam - a small part of the Asian countries visited by the singer.

  • Kaas long tried to guess the Russian public. The heavy, dry and serious atmosphere at concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg annoyed her. How so: to pay a considerable amount for a ticket and show no emotion! After a while, she realized that the front ranks are usually occupied by impenetrable privileged ranks, and her real fans are crowded on the back. Patricia was outraged by such a "mess" and during the next concert, she walked past the front rows and began to sing to those who actually came to listen to her. The higher ranks did not like it so much that they demanded to cancel the planned performances of the singer.

  • Patricia gave concerts in other Russian cities: Tyumen, Irkutsk, Barnaul. She was pleased with the audience and the Russian-language performance of the famous song "Black Eyes" and compositions from the film "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath". No less stunning was the joint work with the Uma2rman group. They sang the song "Do not call" in Russian, however, the first verse still sounded in French.

  • The costumes to go on stage, however, as well as everyday wardrobe, are completely selected by Kaas. The style of the singer is a separate topic for discussion. Despite the bright sexuality, there is no hint of vulgarity in it. All images are feminine and sophisticated. The artist's make-up harmoniously complements the set created: shine instead of lipstick, Kaas does not like her, and smoky make-up eyes.

  • Not long before her 50th birthday, Patricia released her autobiographical book, The Shadow of My Voice, where she revealed the most intimate secrets and thoughts.

  • The first Kaas tour lasted 16 months. She has traveled around 12 countries, receiving the title of one of the popular performers. It was in 1990.

  • Placido Domingo, Alejandro Fernandez - Pat has managed to work with such famous tenors.

  • It cannot be said that success always accompanied her. There were failures. Thus, the album "Sexe Fort" did not cause much inspiration from fans. Having toured in favor of the disc, Kaas took a breather, which lasted almost two years.

  • Before one of the concerts, the singer posted a post in a social network, where she asked fans not to shoot the concert. No, it's not a star disease. Kaas just wanted to see the faces of the people who came to listen to her, not smartphones.

Patricia Kaas best songs

Perhaps the most popular song of Patricia can be called "Mon mec a moi". This song was recorded in 1987, and the next one entered the top five. What is it? About love, lies and life. Like all the singer's work. Although her last songs are devoted to a topic that is not to be said out loud, - domestic violence. The fans greeted the new songs well and approved the performer’s courage.

"Mon mec a moi" (listen)

Single "Mademoiselle Chante le Blues"or" Mademoiselle sings the blues ", released in 1987, was a breakthrough for an aspiring singer. It was with this track that Kaas made her debut in the French charts. The song stayed there for 18 weeks in the top ten.

"Mademoiselle Chante le Blues" (listen)

"Il me dit que je suis belle?"- a touching composition that evokes pleasant feelings and immerses in personal memories.

"Il me dit que je suis belle?" (listen)

Song "If You Go Away", despite the English name, has French roots. It is a rehash of the well-known composition by Jacques Brelet" Ne me quitte pas "of 1959. In her repertoire, she included not only Patricia, but other performers, including Russian ones.

"If You Go Away" (listen)

"Et s'il fallait le fair"- the same song that Pat performed at Eurovision. The melody does contain notes typical of French culture, which makes it memorable.

"Et s'il fallait le fair" (listen)

Films about Patricia Kaas and her participation

Director Horst Mulenbeck decided to tell about the life, inner world of the singer. The autobiographical film of German production was filmed in 2009. In it, Patricia is shown alive, real, with her own feelings and experiences.

The spectacular appearance and artistry of the French performer were not left unattended by the directors. In 2002, Kaas debuted as an actress. She played in the film by Claude Lelouch "And now, ladies and gentlemen ..." / "And Now ... Ladies and Gentlemen ..." At the same time she got one of the main roles - the beautiful Jane performing the blues. In the film are intertwined love and crime lines. She worked on Pat with Claude Lelouch and in 2010 on the Chronicle "Woman and Men" / "Ces amours-là".

In 2012, she got the role of Katie, mother-struck, in the crime drama "The Murdered" / "Assassinée". The film was shot by director Thierry Binistie.

The performer also tried herself in serials, however, she plays herself in them. She can be found in the episodes of “Long Live the Show,” “Day to Day,” “Champs Elysees,” and “Cologne Meeting.”

Criticism of the famous French ambiguous. Some admire her talent, reincarnation, the ability to show sincere feelings, others - do not see her acting skills. In any case, the conclusions everyone makes for himself.

Patricia Kaas music in movies

A voice, strong, with a hoarse note, sensual and soulful ... He accompanies many films, including television series. Here are some pictures where Patricia Kaas plays the soundtrack.



The Lure (1995)

"Space in my heart"

"Innocent Lies" (1995)

"Que Reste-t-il de nos Amours?"

"Train to hell" (1996)

"Mon Mec a Moi"

"Help! I am a fish" (2000)

"Close your eyes"

"Samedi soir on chante Goldman" (2013)

"Il me dit que je suis belle"

"Die Harald Schmidt Show" (2013), TV series

"Avec Ce Soleil"

Features of the musical direction of Patricia Kaas

According to music experts, Patricia managed to renew her interest in French chanson in the early 90s of the last century. But take it to the classic chanson difficult. This classification is assigned to her due to the fact that she sings in the language of her country. And as you know, all French-speaking performers are attributed to the chanson.

In fact, the Pat style has notes of Anglo-American pop music, as well as jazz and blues. Such a mixture of directions is fully consistent with her coarse voice from viola to mezzo-soprano. Some critics note a certain rhythm and melody of her singing: it is pleasant to listen to her in both French and German.

Patricia Kaas about herself, her life and work

Considering the photos of Pat from different times, you unwittingly pay attention to her eyes. Beautiful cut, rich blue color and constant sadness, which is visible even through a smile. Patricia calls herself a melancholic and says that there is nothing surprising. In 20 years, losing a mother, and after a while a father ... After such events, it is not difficult to become melancholic and depressive in thoughts, because we are talking about the closest people.

Loneliness ... another feeling that permeates her life. Even in the arms of a multimillion-dollar public, Patricia never lost the feeling that she was alone. This is typical for her personal life. Each novel ended in loneliness, a feeling of sadness and longing. Once she even hated men until ... she met a new prince. Now her life brightens up a cute little dog named Tequila. It is so nice to pat him behind the ear, dig into the soft wool and feel that someone is waiting for you at home and does not require anything in return.

Uncertainty ... accompanies her always. Either too thin, too full - various doubts are constantly hovering in her head in her, in her beauty. And it says a woman whose appearance admire others! But Kaas learned to cope with her own negative and to accept herself.

Career ... always in first place and always in priority. This is her life. Despite the recognition of critics and the love of fans, she does not believe that she is doing something supernatural. Pat treats his accomplishments modestly, what more captivates the public. Ambassador of French music - imposed title, which is not recognized by Patricia. She believes that she brings her music to the masses.

“I'm so spoiled,” Kaas answers when asked by a journalist about his dreams. The singer does not hide her passion for expensive things and luxurious life, but does not flaunt it as a kind of achievement. It is difficult to surprise her, although the gifts of fans always cause her delight.

In Patricia Kaas, talent, charm and mystery merged into one. I want to listen to her, I want to watch her, I want to admire her. Fans say that it has become different. And it's not just the music, but also in the inner world. Despite this, they remain faithful to her, which proves the correctness of her chosen path in life.

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