How to choose the accompaniment to the song?

Any song will be sung if the performer offers support in the form of accompanying instrumental accompaniment. What is the accompaniment? Accompaniment is the harmonic accompaniment of a song or instrumental melody. In the article we will talk about how to pick up the accompaniment to the song.

In order to choose an accompaniment, you must be guided by two basic rules, principles that are used when writing music. First: absolutely any work obeys certain musical patterns. And second: these patterns can easily be broken.

Necessary basis for selection of accompaniment

What do we need if we decide to choose the accompaniment to the song? First of all, the vocal melody of the song itself - it should be recorded with notes, or at least you need to learn how to play it well on the instrument. This very melody will have to be analyzed and first of all figure out what kind of key it is written. The tonality, as a rule, is most accurately determined by the last chord or note that encloses the song, and almost always the tonality of the song can be established from the very first sounds of its melody.

Secondly, you need to understand that there is musical harmony - not professionally, of course, but at least by ear can distinguish what sounds cool from what is by no means compatible. There will be a need to find out something about the main types of musical chords.

How to choose the accompaniment to the song?

Immediately, before picking up the accompaniment to a song, you need to listen to it completely several times and break it apart, that is, for example, into a verse, chorus, and maybe a loss. These parts are well separated from each other, because they form certain harmonic cycles.

The harmonic basis of modern songs in most cases is of the same type and simple. At the base of its structure is usually a chain of repeating segments, called "squares" (i.e., rows of repeating chords).

The next step in the selection is to identify these very repetitive chains of chords, first in the verse, then in the chorus. Determine the tonality of the song, based on the basic tone, that is, the note from which the chord is built. Then you should find it on the instrument in low sounds (bass) to merge with the chord in the song being picked up. From the found note it is necessary to build all consonance. This stage should not cause difficulties, for example, the main tone was determined by the note “Before”, then the chord will be either minor or major.

So, with tonality everything is decided, now knowledge about these very tonality will be useful. It is necessary to write out all her notes, and, based on them, build chords. Listening to the song further, we determine the moment of the change of the first consonance and, alternately changing the chords of our tonality, we select the appropriate one. Following this tactic, we select further. At some point, you will notice that chords are starting to repeat, so the selection will go much faster.

In some cases, the authors of music change the tonality in one of the verses, do not be afraid, mainly a drop in tone or half tone. So you should also determine the bass note and build consonance from it. And the subsequent chords should be transposed to the desired key. Having reached the chorus, guided by the same scheme of selection of accompaniment, we solve the problem. The second and subsequent verses are likely to be performed with the same chords as the first.

How to check selected accompaniment?

At the end of the selection of chords, you should play the piece from beginning to end simultaneously with the recording. If somewhere an erroneous chord is heard, mark the place without stopping the game, and return to this place after completing the work. Having picked up the necessary consonance, play the work again until the game sounds identical to the original.

The question of how to choose the accompaniment to a song will not cause complications if you occasionally improve your musical literacy: learn, not only read notes, but also deal with what chords, tones, etc. are. Constantly you need to try to train the auditory memory, through the game of famous works and the selection of new ones, ranging from simple and ending with the selection of complex compositions. All this at a certain point will allow to achieve serious results.

The author - Stanislav Kolesnik

Watch the video: How to Write Music - Writing a Melody (March 2025).

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