Playing the chords on the piano

Article for those who learn to play chords on the piano to the songs. Surely you come across such songbooks, where guitar chords with their tablature, that is, transcripts that let you know which string and where to press it to make one or another chord, are attached to the text.

The manual, which is in front of you, is something like such tablature, only in relation to keyboard instruments. Each chord is illustrated with a picture, from which it is clear what keys you need to press to get the desired chord on the piano. If you are also looking for musical interpretations of chords, then see them here.

I recall that the designation of chords - alphanumeric. It is universal and allows you to use explanations for guitarists as chords for a synthesizer or any other keyboard (and even not necessarily keyboard) musical instrument. By the way, you are interested in letters in music, then read the article "The letter designation of notes."

In this post, I propose to consider only the most common chords on the piano - these are major and minor triads from the white keys. There will definitely be (or maybe already) a continuation - so that you can get acquainted with all the other chords.

Accord C and Chord Cm (C major and C minor)

Chords D and Dm (D Major and D Minor)

Accord E - E Major and Chord Em - E Minor

Accord F - in F major and Fm - in F minor

Chords G (G Major) and Gm (G Minor)

Accord A (A Major) and Am Chord (A Minor)

Chord B (or H - B major) and Bm chord (or Hm - B minor)

For yourself, you can analyze these three-chords and draw some conclusions. You probably noticed that the chords for the synthesizer are played on the same principle: from any note through the step through the key.

At the same time, major and minor chords differ by only one sound, one note, namely the middle (second). In the major triads this note is higher, and in the minor, respectively, lower. Having understood all this, you can independently build such chords on the piano from any sound, correcting the sound by ear.

That's all for today! The rest of the chords will be a separate article. In order not to miss important and useful articles, you can subscribe to the newsletter from the site, then the best materials will be sent directly to your mailbox.

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Watch the video: Piano chords for beginners: learn four chords to play hundreds of songs (March 2025).

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