Legend of the origin of music

Legend of the origin of music

From the depths of distant centuries, the Kazakh folk legend about the origin of music came to us.

Once upon a time, in time immemorial, not one of the peoples inhabiting our blue planet knew what verse and music are. And what is life without folding speech and flowing sounds? Boring and monotonous, without smiles, laughter and joy. And therefore, did not know the human race, what are holidays, games and fun feasts. People walked darker than clouds, their heart was angry alarm and mute longing, because they could not sing a song to dispel all sorrow and hardship. If trouble knocked at the man’s house, he remained miserable all his life and died in a mortal longing, because in those distant times the song was far from the earth. She huddled somewhere high in the white and fluffy clouds, and delighted the ears of the endless blue sky.

In the meantime, no birds sang on the ground, no streams rang out swiftly from high mountains, and no matter how much the frisky wind played with fluffy treetops, they made no sound. The silence hanging over the steppe scorched by the scorching sun only occasionally broke the howl of the storm, raising the dust columns to the horizon, for in those years earthly nature also did not know what a song was.

But once a beautiful, charming, mysterious and powerful song decided to leave his heavenly home and hit the road. What prompted her to get to know the universe better is still unknown, but the song set off on its first flight above the ground. Maybe she was bored with staying at such an unattainable height? Or maybe she just wanted to soar over a wide steppe under the stepfather's sky? Or maybe she felt sorry for unfortunate people who do not know joy and art, and she decided to help them? Today, no one will say for sure, but the song has already flown over the fields, meadows, seas and oceans. Sometimes she flew very low above the ground, so that she felt the aromas of field grasses, and sometimes soared towards the sky, gently flirting with gentle gusts of wind, or even completely lost in blue heights, sinking in curly clouds. In those places where the song was flying low, people heard it, memorized by unfamiliar, but such close to melodies to the heart, and repeated them to keep it in their memory forever. Where she flew higher, the people could remember only a small part of her rich heritage. And the people over whom the song sped very high did not know what song and music are. The Kazakh people were lucky, the song circled over it for a long time, touching its flowering steppes with its wing ...

Watch the video: Deals with the Devil: A Brief Musical History (March 2025).

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