How to write the lyrics? Practical advice songwriter novices in the works.

So, how to write the lyrics? What should a future composer know in order to compose high-quality and soulful lyrics? First of all, let's define the subject: a song is a complementary rhythmic combination of words with music, the emotional coloring of which emphasizes the meaning of the lyrics of the song. The main components of the song are music, words, their combination.

The content of the text is a free choice of the author, depending solely on his inspiration. The song can narrate about the events of real life, and vice versa, artistically convey the flow of consciousness and images evoked by emotions.

Usually the composer finds himself in one of three situations:

  1. you need to write a song "from scratch", when initially there are no words or music;
  2. need to write thematic lyrics to the already existing music;
  3. You need to compose the musical accompaniment under the finished text.

In any case, the key point is the rhythm of the future song, as well as its breakdown into semantic parts. It is very important to achieve a harmonious combination of the rhythm of the music and the semantic structures of the text - so that the music intertwines with the words and emphasizes them favorably. At the same time, one should not forget about the flight of the author's soul, inspiration, thus keeping the balance between constructivism and soulfulness.

The musical direction of the song

The genre, the style of music in which the song will be written - of course, depend on the musical preferences, the worldview of the author. But first of all - it is necessary to outline before ourselves the goal that the future composition will pursue, to decide on the target audience.

For example, to achieve a high rating, you need to choose a popular style among music lovers. After that, how to compose the lyrics of a song will largely dictate the framework and features of the chosen style.

Melodic text. The choice between poetic form and recitative.

In the construction of songs of mainstream music trends at the moment there are 2 constructive approaches. This is a poetic form of presentation of the material, in which the words are "sung" on a musical basis, and recitative. In the first case, we recommend paying attention to the verse size in lines of text. In the second case, the text simply fits into the composition relying more on its rhythm than on the melodic component. The choice between these two approaches depends almost entirely on the chosen musical style of the song.

For example, modern pop music, chanson, folk songs use the "singing" of the text, when words are inseparable from melody. On the other hand, such genres as rap, hip-hop, rhythm-and-blues use text overlay on the rhythm section, using the melody of a song solely as an element of the composition design.

Theme and idea of ​​the song

Speaking about the content and ideological content of the song, it should be considered as a kind of literary work - after all, concepts are inherent in literature. "theme" and "idea". Each composer should be able in the content of the text, which forms the theme, to present to the listener in an accessible and expressive way the idea that he wants to express with the given composition. Therefore, wondering how to compose the lyrics of a song, you need to understand that the main goal is the expression of a certain idea, and the content of the text is only a tool for achieving this goal.

Structuring text. Division into couplets and chorus.

Despite the fact that creativity is often an irrational concept, its fruits should have form for the convenience of perception. In the lyrics it is a structure. As everyone knows, there are 2 main structural units - a couplet and a chorus, between which binding inserts are possible (but not necessary).

From the point of view of the content of the text, in the verses the main meaning should be stated, and in the chorus the main slogan, the idea of ​​the song. In this case, the refrain should be melodic and emotionally vividly highlighted. In the classical version, alternation of structural units occurs, and, as experience shows, such a scheme is the most convenient for perception.

Author's originality

And yet, despite all the frameworks, rules and recommendations, the main thing that makes the song memorable is the author’s highlight. This is his originality, the flight of inspiration, forcing you to listen to the song again and again. Individual expressiveness should be in the text of each composition, whatever genre or style it may be.

How to write the lyrics to a song quickly and easily - literally right now, look in this funny video. Admire lightness and remember that valuable in the world of creativity is that which is easier than ever!

Watch the video: The Secret To Writing Lyrics (March 2025).

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