Ed Sheeran: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Ed Sheeran

This singer is unique in his story: he showed an example of how to fight for a dream. At one time, he simply performed at city venues, and now millions of fans around the world are eagerly awaiting a new tour. Looking at Ed, you can really agree with the statement "nothing is impossible." Let's take a look at how he managed to do all this.

short biography

The full name of the singer is Edward Christopher Sheeran. The boy was born February 17, 1991 in a small town called Halifax, in West Yorkshire. However, some time after the birth of the baby, the whole family moved to Framlingham, Suffolk County.

It is worth telling a little about its origin. The man who had ever seen Edward at least in the photograph, noticed this fiery, like the glowing rays of the sun, hair. But this is no accident, his grandmother and grandfather are Irish.

Gentle feelings in relation to creativity appeared in the boy rather early. Already at the age of 4 he sang in the choir at the church. Not surprisingly, he was close to work from early childhood, because his family was somehow concerned with art: his parents were art consultants, and older brother Matthew became a composer. By the way, every weekend they tried to devote to music and take children to concerts of popular musical performers. Among them were Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, and Eminem.

While studying in high school, the young man acquired the skill of playing the guitar and began writing songs. As a teenager, Edward went to London, the capital of England, to devote himself to creativity. He realized his personality as a performer in the National Youth Theater. Ed gave a huge number of performances on modest amateur platforms. At the age of 14, he released the first album "The Orange Room" in a mini version, and in 2006 started a YouTube channel, where he posted his videos.

2008 was for the promising young man really meaningful. Edward performed on opening with his idols - the band Nizlopi (he even sang a cover version of their song All my life). At this time, the guy gave more than three hundred concerts, some of which were joint with Just Jack, also performed several tracks with the rapper Example and even created a mini-album "Loose Change". Then, without any contract, offer or invitation in 2010, Ed leaves for Los Angeles. Here he spins himself and his activities, speaking on the street. With his talent, ability and clear purpose, he became interested in Jamie Foxx, who was so shocked by the performer that he called him into his own show on the radio "The Foxxhole", and then to the recording studio. When the ranks of fans began to grow rapidly, the label Atlantic Records gave the opportunity to contract the singer, and the red-haired young man took up his full album "+" this time, which was completed in September 2011.

In the summer of 2017 it became known about the intention of the singer to create a film about his work. Ed admitted that he already has some ideas and knows which songs he will use for musical accompaniment. The performer really wants the movie to be like "8 mile", but was not a kind of parody.

Well, let's look forward to, Ed.

Interesting Facts

Perhaps some of the items in no way relate to his professional activities, but perhaps you want to discover something new for yourself.

  • Ed is the author of the famous Love Yourself song for Justin Bieber!
  • He also collaborates with One Direction and Taylor Swift.

  • Ed Sheeran prevailed over Bieber's achievement. In January 2017, Shape Of You and Castle On The Hill crossed dozens of times on Billboard, where they retained their position for 5 weeks, while Sorry and Love Yourself songs lasted a whole week less.

  • The singer began to think seriously about the family hearth, he frankly confessed that he was ready for this stage of life and even wanted to legitimize the relationship with his girlfriend. Maybe soon we will see his first step!

  • Ed Sheeran, with trepidation and excitement, anticipated the very first scrolling of his song on the radio. But what was his disappointment! The author of the song was called Ben Sherman!

  • The singer honestly admits that he sings during water procedures. And the composition Everytime is perfect for this, because in the video itself Britney sings in the bathroom.

  • On one of his birthdays, he received a Barbie doll from his brother. This gift was the worst in his life.

  • If it were possible to change lives with pets, then Ed definitely chose a cat. Who does not want to live in a comfortable environment, often eat and sleep around the clock? By the way, the performer himself has a cat named Graham.

  • Loyd, Felix, Cyril, Nigel. It would seem just a random set of names. But no. That is the name of the four guitars of the singer.

  • If he had been asked what he couldn’t imagine his life without, Ed would have said clearly: without Oreo cookies. This is really an addiction.

  • Sheeran spoke at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

  • Eminem - his real favorite among the rappers.

  • Ed has a tattoo with images of ketchup and tea. As he puts it: you can live without mayonnaise, but not without ketchup.

  • All songs have their own shades in the literal sense. So, You Need Me is associated with eggplant - the color of sadness and longing for the performer.

  • Ed Sheeran was awarded the Order of the British Empire. He received the award from the hands of Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace on December 7, 2017.

Best songs and albums

Before we start talking about studio albums, we should mention the main musical genres of Ed, namely pop, folk and soul.

The singer has recorded three full studio albums:

  • Plus (2011)

  • Multiply (2014)

  • Divide (2017)

By the way, this is a kind of singer trick - to call albums math signs.

Edward's fans know that most of the songs have unique, beautiful lyrics, romance and a special meaning. And some of them make you cry from the touching, like Supermarket flowers.

"Supermarket flowers". The history of the song is very tragic and sad. It is dedicated to the late grandmother of Ed and is written on behalf of his mother Imogen. During the work on this song, his grandmother was very sick, and when everything was ready, she left their family and went into another world.

The author of the song compares the grandmother with the angel in human form, and he is sure that the Lord, taking her, sang: "Hallelujah, you are at home." Sounds pretty regrettable.

According to Ed, this song is the most personal and extraordinary in the entire Divide album, so much so that he refused to include it in the album, but the grandfather persuaded him to honor the memory of his grandmother.

"Supermarket flowers" (listen)

Sensational "Shape Of You". The song was originally dedicated to Rihanna and was intended to work with her, but later it was decided that Ed would perform the song alone. However, the singer was inspired not only by Rihanna, but also by the Rudimental group.

Critics responded positively about the composition, although they added that the song is extremely impressive and completely atypical for Shiran, here Ed managed to prove himself in a new form, image.

"Shape Of You" (listen)

"Everything has changed". When Taylor saw the clip on the track of Lego house, she instantly decided to record a duet, for the sake of such a case the girl was ready to fly to any place, wherever Ed was.

To create a new composition it took just 20 minutes and a trampoline in the backyard. And in 2013, the famous song Everything has changed.

“Everything has changed” (listen)

"Perfect". This romantic ballad, written about the girlfriend of the singer Cherry Seaborn, won first place on the Billboard Hot 100 and charts another 20 countries. In December 2017, a version of the song entitled "Perfect Duet" was released together with the American singer Beyonce.

"Perfect" (listen)

Autobiographical book

In this book, a popular singer tells his story and the path to success. He tells us about his first steps, tours with Taylor Swift and not only the recordings of the first, but such important songs, the Grammy Awards and many other things. Here you can also find things that Ed inspired and that helped him on this long road to success. You can see here stories about the lives of stars and so on. The content of the book is supplemented with drawings, and Phillip, an old friend of childhood, helped to create them.

As the performer himself says, many asked him to write a book of this nature, but he did not consider himself competent in this matter due to his lack of experience, and Ed’s discussion of his personality was completely useless. And when his friend, the artist Phillip Butah, mentioned the possibility of creating a joint book, this idea began to have a chance to be realized. After all, Phil did the illustrations for Edward's albums. So, Phillip's drawings and the stories behind the songs were combined into one. By the way, the artist made drawings of a very young Ed, and some of them are present in the book. Phil's talent, love for his work and his emotions made this book. Sketches and in truth turned out to be alive and real. Absolutely every illustration links music and excellent visual design.

Pictures accurately reflect the full development of music and provide an opportunity to understand how it all began. After all, Ed himself was always an individual and worked hard to show this to the world; he never sought to become someone, but simply to be himself.

The book was available to every interested reader in July 2014.


Not so long ago, in the winter of 2015, a popular singer took a break and disappeared from the social. networks until the fall of 2016. Why did he leave all lovers of his work? Ed himself answered it quite simply: he had been watching the world for too long through the screen and wanted to catch up, to travel, to do what he had long wanted. However, the third and most stunning album was already at the ready.

Role of volunteer

Ed is very fond of the city in which he was born, and with a special warmth refers to him, so the guy often makes donations, and also gives things to charity. He managed to distinguish himself this time. In his spare time, the young man decided to help one volunteer shop in his homeland. According to the manager of the store itself, for them this is a great opportunity and the team is happy to take the singer to him.

In addition, Edward decided to build a cultural center for young people, for the sake of which he bought the old building of the police station and invested £ 1 million.

Rol in the game of thrones

Like any other person, Ed is interested in the subject of cinema, but his favorite is the series "Game of Thrones". By the way, he even starred in the first episode of the new 7th season and played a serving soldier of the Lannister army. Of course, it was just a cameo role, where there was something incredible, but still the singer's fans were satisfied.

Personal life

Of course, like any popular and fantastically talented singer, Ed has a huge, uncountable number of fans, each of whom at least once was interested in the idol's personal life, and maybe even studied it thoroughly, who knows, these fans.

For about 4 years, the singer met with his classmate, but fate diverged when his heart was occupied by music.

Many times, Ed has been credited with Taylor Swift in connection with her break with Harry Stiles. Everything else, he has a tattoo with the name of the album Tei. But in fact, it turned out that they are good friends and colleagues, nothing more.

During the creative break, the singer has a new lover named Cherry Seaborn. It was to her that he dedicated the song Perfect. Perhaps she is really perfect, since the singer began to think about creating a family.

Summing up, it is worth noting that Ed Sheeran is a person with amazing talent, hard work and charm. He has already achieved a lot, but most likely he will have even greater success ahead. It remains only to wish good luck!

Watch the video: Motivational Success Story Of Ed Sheeran - From Homeless Bullied Boy To World Best Selling Musician (March 2025).

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