Treble clef

Children's game "Treble clef"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the stave.

You will need: Cardboard box, small cardboard cards, piano, xylophone (preferably several), a musical staff drawn on the board or a long strip of paper. A little more about chip cards: each chip is painted in one color that matches the color of one of the xylophone plates. Their number should correspond to the number of children, but there are exactly as many colors as the xylophone. On the cards on one side are drawn a violin, a trumpet, a drum or a piano; on the other hand, it is advisable to use several whole, slightly more than half and the maximum number of quarter notes.

Part One - Treble clef looking for its place

From the box in which the chips with pictures and notes lie, everyone takes turns getting one card at a time. On one of them a key is drawn - which of the children gets caught - will be driving.

The essence of entertainment: The room is divided into four groups - strings, wind, percussion and keyboard (therefore, a violin, a trumpet, a drum and a piano are drawn on the cardboard.). To begin with, children become each in their own circle, only the driver remains outside the territory - there is not enough space for him. At the command of the teacher, and better by the piece of music, the kids begin to randomly move around the room and drive the "key" with them. The task of the leader to find a place in the "orchestra." The work ends abruptly and each takes its place in the orchestra. If the "key" manages to take someone's place, then the latecomer changes cards with him and becomes driving. The guys who mixed up the circles (the guitar has become a circle of drums) do not participate in the next round, they just stand in their circles and wait for the next tour. Recommended number of tours from 5 to 10.

This part develops reaction and attention in children.

Part Two - Composing Music!

Ideal cards that participants use - equipped with magnets - are attached to a metal board, or stickers - pasted. In case of impossibility of such a decision, the musical staff is drawn on the reverse side of the wallpaper roll and spreads out on the floor.
The essence of the game: The participant, the remaining "treble clef", puts on the place marked in the stave (the teacher tells you which strip the key is being written from, what it means and why it was invented). Afterwards, driving one by one selects boys and girls, and indicates where to put the cardboard with the painted note. When the notes are laid, the teacher loses the "piece" on the piano. After that, the turn to be the key goes to the next and everything repeats. The teacher can also offer everyone to dance to the melody written by them. The number of repetitions of this entertainment can be any.

It develops imagination and hearing.

Part Three - The orchestra enters

This is what entertainment xylophones will need. The teacher offers to play the last melody with him, that is, that the children play along with his instruments. It will be easy to complete this task, because each piece has a color identical to the color of the xylophone plate. The one who has the treble clef can play the role of a conductor. Musicians who do not get chips, can create a ratchet. For this purpose, suitable tambourines, drums or maracas, in extreme cases, sheets of rustling paper - they will need to rustle to the beat. After losing a passage several times, children change chips.

It develops hearing, a sense of rhythm and the ability to work in a team.

Watch the video: I Knew You Were Treble by Jeanette Young (January 2025).

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